At present Mars is forcefully 'confronting' both Saturn and Uranus. You may have read a little on the Mars/Saturn blog just recently - but now Uranus has joined the mix - expect the unexpected!
The Moon is presently in Cancer (Aug.17th & 18th) - focus is on family matters and a pull towards the home. Still great weather for it here in Adelaide, snuggled in front of the fire! We may find ourselves seeking out 'cosy and comfortable' with the Moon in Cancer, whilst the Mars/Uranus 'challenge' could be confronting us with various options for what's conventional and accepted! Uranus never likes convention! In fact he blatantly tries to dislodge it.
These couple of days whilst Moon is in Cancer try to prioritize family time, act with heartfelt love and kindness. And as we enter the dark moon period - create time for retreat and reflection.
We're approaching the New Moon is a few days - and this one is quite powerful! The triple conjunction of Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron oppose this New Moon and the Vertex, the symbol of destined meetings, conjuncts it. Also Astraea and Lilith oppose Venus and Vesta - more on that in a couple of days - New Moon blog will be posted on Wednesday. Looks like a very 'interesting' New Moon - so prepare!
New Moons are times of beginnings so prepare yourself for the New Moon by setting your intentions - clearly and precisely before the New Moon occurs - Thursday 7.32PM Adelaide, Australia time. Keep those intentions clearly with you over the 3 day period of the New Moon. You may even like to perform a personal ritual to enhance the energy and focus of this period.
On first glance this special New Moon will be a time of particular opportunity and 'chance' and destined meetings. The 'raging', wounded psyche of the female may come out for a roar - or at least be wanting to make her presence felt.
Where in you has your 'raging', wounded goddess been silenced and buried? Can you feel it in your body? A super great time for any kind of 'uncovering' therapy.
There appears to be a strong goddess energy about this coming New Moon - and the repressed 'angry' side of her may want to be heard. She may offer you avenues of healing and discovery or she may remind you of things buried long ago.
More in a few days - but till then - prepare for and receive the bountiful energies available.
much love to you
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