- which is not surprising, is it!!
3 months have passed since I last posted - 90 degrees, a square - in the world of Astrology.
Squares create tension - something has to give, lots of confronting what's not working.
As life has a flow, it's constantly moving - nothing remains the same, it only appears so. So do you go with the 'flow' or try to resist it - resisting the tide is extremely exhausting.
I've been 'graced' with a 'system' with a high level of sensitivity - so nothing is escaped, if it's within my periphery. All is one and one is all - everythings conncected and moving toward completion.
When 'things' need 'adjusting' - tweeked this way or that - to keep you on the path, it will automatically happen. Life has been created with such magnificent genius, we get little glimpses - but much more is available to us.
We set our intentions - then rev our desire, actions follow - to manifest our vision. We have a picture of what is needed to fulfil our purpose, so we set out after it.
The combination of the non-physical and the manifest, collide in ways in which we're mostly unaware of - at least consciously. We can think in lines, squares and substance but be unaware of the energy beneath it.
Energy is a powerful force, it creates life - poof, from 'nothing'! Or so it seems.
So we make our plans, implement our actions - battle with our demons that try to distract us. Life is love, light and abundance - but darkness also exists, when light is turned away from.
Complex beings we are - shaped by many experiences, but with a 'core' of divinity, purpose and majesty.
So we live our life, dreaming and doing often unaware of what is really happening.
The matrix of energy, surrounding each 'being' moving in swirls - creating new realities.
Each and every moment - 'new life' appears as we continue on our quest to create some meaning.
So no need to go into all the physical manifestations - enought to say that much has been happening, whilst attempting to manifest my vision of Mahalia.
much love to you
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